OUR Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

At Noku and/or Roxy Hotels Management (“Noku Roxy”), we strive to earn your trust by ensuring that we will take reasonable measures to ensure that your Personal Data is protected in compliance with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No. 26 of 2012). “Personal Data” in this Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) refers to data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified from that data; or from that data and other information to which the organisation has or is likely to have access. We promise to ensure that your Personal Data is used responsibly during the enquiry and reservation process to deliver services and products at a standard that will exceed your expectations. This Policy will apply in our overseas affiliates with the exception that should the local laws be more restrictive, the local privacy laws shall apply.

This Policy will state the information we are collecting, using and disclosing in order to provide services and products to our guests as well as improvements to guest experiences and provide updates on new promotions, services and products offered by us and/or our affiliates and partners.

By accessing and entering this site, you agree to the terms set forth in this Policy. Please read this Data Protection Policy so you will understand the purposes for which your Personal Data will be collected, used and/or disclosed by us.


By engaging any of our services, using or purchasing our products, renting or using our hotel facilities and providing any Personal Data to us for engagement of our services, you will be deemed to have agreed to and provided consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data for the purposes which will be required to fulfil such engagement of services and rental of hotel facilities by us and our affiliates and partners, including the purposes stated in the paragraphs below at “The Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Data”.


You can withdraw your consent to any or all use or disclosure of your Personal Data, or unsubscribe to our email service, at any time by submitting a request with reasonable notice containing details of your Personal Data stored with us to:dpo@nokuhotels.com . We will endeavour to respond to your request within a reasonable time frame.

Depending on the nature of your request, we may not be able to continue to provide our services, products and/or hotel facilities.


Type of Personal Data

The information we may collect from you include the following:

– Name
– NRIC/FIN/Passport Number
– Gender
– Date of birth
– Email Address
– Telephone/Fax numbers
– Home/Work address
– Credit card information
– Preferred room types
– Dining preferences
– Dietary requirements

During your interactions with us, we may have notified you of any other purposes for which we will collect, use or disclose your Personal Data, and had sought your consent to such purposes in relation to specific products and services offered by us. We will only collect and use any Personal Data for the purposes which you have consented to. If we intend to use your Personal Data for any specified purpose which you have not previously consented to, we will seek and obtain your further consent to using your Personal Data for that specified purpose.

Purpose for Data Collection and Use

We will collect, use or disclose your Personal Data for the following purposes:

To manage the administration and business operations of Noku Roxy;
To provide hotel products, services and rental of hotel rooms and facilities to our guests;
To respond to enquiries, requests and feedback from our guests;
To process, complete and guarantee hotel bookings, reservations and any billings you make with us;
To obtain feedback, analysis and reviews from you for the purpose of obtaining market research on our products and services;
To organise hotel, social or corporate events with other external organisations for the benefit of Noku Roxy;
To provide statistical, financial, performance and marketing analysis for internal use within Noku Roxy, as part of our ongoing effort to improve our service; and
To comply with any applicable law, regulation, notice, direction and guideline as issued by any government or regulatory authorities in Singapore.
Other Purposes for Data Collection and Use

We will collect, use or disclose your Personal Data for the purposes of evaluating applications for employment and attachments with us.


Where you have specifically provided us with additional consents, we will collect, use or disclose your Personal Data for the purposes of marketing of products and services as offered by us, any of our business affiliates and partners, and for any other specified purposes such as:

promotions relating to hotel room packages, hotel products, business and recreational facilities and services;
promotions relating to retail restaurants, food and beverage; and
promotions and invitations relating to hotel events, social or corporate events, special offers, external arrangements for loyalty and reward programmes and travel partner programmes.
If you have provided your telephone or fax number(s) or email to us and have indicated to us that you consent to receiving marketing or promotional information via your telephone or fax number(s) or email, we will from time to time, contact you via your telephone number(s) or email with information about our promotions, products and services through voice calls, SMS, fax, email or other means.


ノクおよび、ロキシーホテルズマネジメント(以下「当社」、「Noku Roxy」)では、シンガポール個人情報保護法(2012年第26条)を遵守し、お客様の信頼を得るため、お客様の個人情報の重要性を認識し、その個人情報の適正な取扱いに努めてまいります。








当社に保存されているお客様の個人情報の詳細に関してご要望がある場合、dpo@nokuhotels.com にeメールを送信頂くことで、お客様の個人情報の利用または開示に対する同意の撤回や当社の電子メールサービスの配信停止をいつでも行うことができます。お客様のご要望には、期間内に対応するよう努めます。お客様のご要望の内容によっては、サービス、商品、ホテルの施設の提供を継続できない場合があります。


– 名前
– NRIC / FIN /パスポート番号
– 性別
– 生年月日
– 電子メールアドレス
– 電話/ファックス番号
– 自宅/職場の住所
– クレジットカード情報
– 優先部屋タイプ
– 食事の好み
– 食事制限

お客様とのやり取りの中で、お客様の個人情報を収集、利用、または開示する目的を通知し、当社が提供する製品およびサービスに関連した目的への利用について同意を求めます。 当社は、お客様が同意した目的のためだけに個人情報を収集し、利用します。お客様が同意されていない目的のために個人情報を利用する場合、その特定の目的で個人情報を利用することについてさらなる同意を求めます。



・Noku Roxyの事業運営および事務管理
・サービス向上への取組みの一環とし、Noku Roxy間で利用する統計、財務、業績および市場分析







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